Moving to a new residence...
Posted: Sun - January 29, 2006 at 10:10 PM
In fact we "discovered" that we had a whole lot
of stuff and we even did not know how we collected so many items. Mekal and I
made an initial trip with the first batch of items early
...It took us about two weeks
or more to finally get all our utilities and other items sorted
Recently Mekal and I shifted to a new residence
courtesy of my work. The move felt like a daunting task . In fact we
"discovered" that we had a whole lot of stuff and we even did not know how we
collected so many items. Mekal and I made an initial trip with the first batch
of items early January. We completed the formalities in relation to the
apartment in a day. Mekal was very enthusiastic in settling up the apartment. It
was a tiring task, after changing our minds so many times we finally settled
down.It took us about two weeks or
more to finally get all our utilities and other items sorted out. Here is a
picture taken during the initial stages when we moved
This was mekal busy settling up our
living room.
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